“Every day 250.000 Greeks, enjoy a Portioli coffee

The Espresse S.A. Company was founded in 1996 with purpose the exclusive import and distribution of Espresso Portioli coffee and the products of the Italian based company Portioli (Milan), for the section of HORECA and RETAIL in the entire Greek territory.

Since 2004 Espresse S.A. is also the exclusive importer and distributor of GIME coffee machines, which is a company that belongs entirely to PORTIOLI GROUP, covering the needs of coffee in sector of HORECA, OFFICE and HOME.

Continuing its growth and development, in 2010 Espresse S.A. established a cooperation with OASIS COMMERCIALE, a company based in Venice, which produces the chocolate beverage products “CIOCCO ELITE” and also the tea beverage products “LEIGHTON” as well as other beverages in various flavors.


Corporate Policy

The vision of Ese Profilo is to create “lovers of coffee”!

Since the date of its establishment, Espresse S.A. has focused on the quality of the products that represents, with passion, ethos and credibility.

Its main priority is the distribution of high quality products, as well as to provide specialized services of technical support and training in order to fully cover all customer needs and requirements during the cooperation.

Espresse S.A. has a leading position in the Greek espresso coffee market, classified the Espresso Portioli among the first places as far as the premium brands is concerned, due its unique characteristics (smooth, creamy with a different aroma and delicate flavor).

Its main purpose is to maintain its leading position in the Greek coffee market, enriching its range of products and maintaining in high level its quality characteristics.

Distribution Network

Espresse S.A. has a wide range of distribution channels in sector of HORECA, OFFICE and RETAIL, with distributors that cover the whole Greek territory.

Distributors are divided by sector (HORECA, OFFICE, HOME), or by company (Portioli Group, Gime, Oasis Commerciale) at the disposal of products of Espresse S.A.

Human Resources


The human factor is of key importance for Espresse S.A., taking into consideration that the corporate targets have been based on the existence of specialized and qualified staff.

The company provides an excellent working environment, encouraging the team spirit, the cooperation and the professional development.

The training and the personal development are important priorities for the company in order to continue to be part of the core of flavor only for…. the lovers of coffee!!! maintaining rising growth of development and strategic position in the sector of coffee.

Technical Support of GIME equipment

The company provides a complete and fully qualified Department of Technical Support of GIME coffee machines, with highly skilled staff that keep training on all up to date technological developments.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Espresse S.A. is distinguished for its dedication on the values of the corporate social responsibility for its products, as much for their quality, as also for the strict specifications of its policy, a fact that reflects in its customers’ satisfaction.

The main priority of Espresse S.A. is the absolute respect to its customers during its business activities, the application of precautions for the protection of the environment, to ensure excellent working conditions, as much as the awareness in matters that concern our society.